THERE IS A MALE ASPECT in each of us programmed to compete, to strive, to win and survive. But there is also a female aspect which aspires towards "a caring and sharing community" – which intrinsically knows the value of cooperating, helping, nurturing, and reconciling divergent demands.
The masculine mind says: "Let's apply our knowledge to building a great machine that will take us to the stars."
The feminine mind responds: "Let's pool our resources so that we can feed our children well and raise them in a beautiful and safe environment."
"Vive la difference!" you cry. But "la difference" is best appreciated when one recognizes the essential unity of male and female, day and night, yang and yin, cube and sphere, science and spirituality, intellect and intuition.
The Father Principle (in its negative aspect) despises those that are 'oversensitive' and vulnerable, dismissing them as weaklings unfit to survive. Homophobia expresses its patriarchal machismo with words like "sissy" (and sodomy is viewed as "an offence against nature" punishable with a 20-year sentence in some spiritually retarded countries).
The Mother Principle (at least in its positive aspect) perceives "weakness" not as something to be condemned, but as a quality evoking sympathy and compassion.

Of course, there's a positive aspect to the Father Principle, which manifests as profound pride and joy in planting seeds and watching life grow and flourish.

THE MALE ASPECT thrives on challenges: whether it's climbing the highest mountain or erecting the tallest building or constructing the most dangerous dam or becoming the most prosperous nation. It operates in a rigid, hierarchical mindset, wherein the Boss or Chief or Lord or Father is revered as a sacred emblem of Divine Authority. The Armed Forces is a prime example of a complex organisation where the masculine spirit rules in all its glory and folly.

THE FEMININE MIND finds it easier to speak of spirituality in terms of a reverence for all living things, a profound appreciation of beauty, and an abiding sense of justice and equitability. The female approach to God/dess is often through the quality of mercy. Forgiveness and compassion are regarded as the essential attributes of divinity.

How do we reconcile and unify the male and female polarities within ourselves?
First, we need to acknowledge that there has been far too much predominance of male attitudes in the structure of our laws and customs. No wonder true and lasting peace and harmony have been so elusive, despite tremendous breakthroughs in scientific knowhow that could so easily banish poverty, lack and ignorance to the Dark Ages of humanity's infancy.
Indeed, these problems are in danger of being maintained even as we enter a new millennium. They are artificially perpetuated by an economic and political system designed to favor the upper levels of society whilst keeping the lower in their place.

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Harry & Sheila Amoeba grooving on their gender differences |
[Text & Cartoon by Antares © 1998. First posted 9 September 2008, reposted 29 July 2014, 30 June 2017, 19 April 2020 & 3 December 2021]
Uniting the Male & Female Within (Part Two)