I had a good laugh reading this report in Malaysiakini. All these belligerent and blustering Umno warlords clamoring for Abdullah Badawi's resignation seem to believe the present PM bears all the blame for Umno's fatal injuries in the recent elections.
The truth is that a vast majority of Malaysians across the racial and cultural spectrum voted against the dead-end feudal mindset in which these Umno diehards are trapped. To them, replacing Dollah with someone "ferocious" (read "intimidating") and prepared to re-establish Umno's dominance by every means available - including authoritarian rule - will salvage the wreckage of Umno's pride. They forget that the original Umno effectively died in February 1988 during the battle of two Umno titans - Mahathir and Ku Li - and that the current Umno (Baru) was a hastily slapped-together sham of a political party that has no agenda, ideology or vision apart from serving to enrich its leaders at the public expense.
These dinosaurian and parochial Umno minds only understand a world that's already passing - a neo-feudal paradigm in which the elite feed parasitically off docile and ignorant serfs who applaud their every emptyheaded utterance.

In any case, such myopic and noisome outbursts from the remnants of Umno - apart from their entertainment value as slapstick political comedy - can only strengthen the Pakatan Rakyat government-in-waiting by making their vision of a de-ethnicized and democratized management style all the more appealing. So let's have more of it, please.